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Ejercicios resueltos Use of English
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Use of English


American obesity problem - Use of English

American obesity problem - Use of English

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"The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that about six out of ten Americans were Esther overweight or obese. Furthermore, the prevalence of obesity almost doubled from about 15 percent in 1980 to 27 percent in 1999. Dr. J. McGinnis said the current weight statistics predict future problems. "Obesity now will lead to a higher number of deaths from diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer, and increased prevalence of osteoarthritis."

The CDC noted that most schools have vending machines or snack bars including foods that are largely nutrientpoor and calorie-rich. People are also less likely to cook for themselves these days.Roughly half of all meals are consumed outside the home and many of these are from fast foods. “We have become year-by-year an increasingly sedentary society," McGinnis said. "People used to enjoy walking a half-mile or a quarter-mile but now they take the car to go across the street. And instead of walking or playing sports during free time, children sit in front of the TV or computer. These are unhealthy habits because their muscles are not moving and transportation has become so easy that children are driven everywhere."

So educating the public about healthy nutrition and exercise is essential, the experts said. Healthy foods and more intense physical activity in schools are also important.

Use of English: (?)

a) Give one opposite of CURRENT (adjective) destacar parrafo
outdated, obsolete, old

Ayuda: “current” significa “actual” así que cualquiera de los adjetivos (outdated: pasado de moda; obsolete: obsoleto; old: antiguo) podrían ser una respuesta correcta.

b) Give and adjective with the same root as PREDICT (verb) destacar parrafo

Ayuda: “predict” es un verbo que significa “predecir”. El adjetivo “predictable”, que significa “predecible”, se forma añadiendo el sufijo –able al verbo. Hay muchos adjetivos que se forman de esta manera a partir de un verbo: adapt – adaptable; absorb – absorbable; sale – saleable...

c) Find in the text a synonym for MOSTLY (adverb) destacar parrafo

Ayuda: “mostly” es un adverbio que significa “la mayoría”. En inglés, muchos adverbios se forman con el sufijo –ly. En el texto, encontramos otro adverbio formado con el mismo sufijo y de significado parecido: largely.

d) Find in the text the word which has the following definition: “Not physically active” destacar parrafo

Ayuda: el núcleo de la definición es “active”, que es un adjetivo y el resto (not physically) simplemente modifica a ese adjetivo. Por lo tanto, debemos buscar en el texto un adjetivo y no otra clase de palabra. “Sedentary” (= sedentaria) es un adjetivo que concuerda con la definición de persona no activa físicamente.

e) Turn the following sentences into the passive voice
"Small children are eating too much fat in their meals nowadays."
Too much fat is being eaten by small children nowadays

Ayuda: Al transformar una oración activa en voz pasiva debemos realizar varios cambios. En primer lugar, el complemento (too much fat) se convierte en el sujeto que recibe la acción. En segundo lugar debemos hacer cambios en la forma verbal. La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo to be + past participle. Ya que en la frase activa el verbo principal está en presente continuo (are eating), el verbo to be lo debemos conjugar en presente continuo (is being) en la oración pasiva seguido del pasado participio (eaten, ya que el verbo eat es irregular). El complemento agente aparece detrás del verbo seguido de la preposición by (by small children).

f) Fill in the gap with the correct form of the verb in brackets
The doctor brought (bring) the most recent medical reports to yesterday´s meeting.

Ayuda: debemos utilizar el pasado simple ya que la oración presenta una acción que ocurrió en un momento determinado del pasado (yesterday). El verbo bring es irregular y su pasado es brought.

g) Complete the following sentences:
“You could lose some weight if ...
you exercised more.
you went on a diet.
you didn´t eat so many sweets.

Ayuda: estamos ante una oración condicional de segundo tipo (second conditional). En este tipo de oraciones la condición (if + ...) debe formarse con el pasado simple y el resultado puede ir con would o con los modales might y could, como en este caso. Las respuestas pueden ser variadas pero es imprescindible conjugar el verbo en pasado simple y crear una condición que sea coherente con el resultado propuesto (you could lose some weight).

h) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if necessary.
“That man is very big. This seat may be too small for him.”
That man is very big, therefore / consequently / so, this seat may be too small for him. Since that man is very big, this seat may be too small for him.

Ayuda: hay varias posibilidades para unir estas dos oraciones. Ya que expresan una causa (That man is very big) y un resultado ( this seat may be too small for him), debemos utilizar conjunciones o adverbios que expresen estos significados (so, therefore, consequently...)

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