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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Discuss the negative and the positive aspects of television

Discuss the negative and the positive aspects of television

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daily, entertainment, exchange, take place, leaving aside, pastimes, fulfilling, damaging


  • Introduce brevemente el tema sobre el que vas a escribir: televisión.
  • Piensa en el mismo número de aspectos positivos que negativos para que la redacción quede equilibrada.
  • Relaciona ideas con las expresiones adecuadas:
    1. para ordenarlas: in the first place, secondly, next, finally...
    2. para asociarlas: on one hand, on the other hand, it could be argued that...
    3. para introducir tu opinión personal: I think, I believe, In my opinion...
  • Puedes acabar con una conclusión expresando tu opinión personal.

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Discuss the negative and the positive aspects of television.

It is hard to imagine our lives without television because it has become so popular that it is now an essential part of our daily routine.

In the first place, the television has become so important because it is the main medium for both entertainment and information exchange. We can watch crucial world events on television at the same moment that they are taking place.

On the other hand, people seem to depend too much on television nowadays for their own entertainment, leaving aside other pastimes like sport, meeting friends or eating out. As a result, people, and especially children, are leading a more sedentary lifestyle and a less fulfilling one.

To conclude, television can have many advantages if we learn how to use it intelligently and moderately but can be damaging to children if we do not control its use.

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