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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


What is your opinion about changes in physical appearance?

What is your opinion about changes in physical appearance?

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worried, undergo, to the extent that, reshaping, lifelong, prevents, chin


  • Puedes empezar por introducir el tema sobre el que te han pedido que escribas
  • Responder a la pregunta y da tu opinión al respecto: ¿Cuál es tu opinión acerca de los cambios en la apariencia física?
  • Recuerda que estás dando tu opinión y debes utilizar expresiones que así lo reflejen: I think, I believe, I am worried that, I don´t like, I agree with,..
  • Divide las ideas en párrafos para una mejor organización.

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: What is your opinion about changes in physical appearance?

Generally speaking, I think that many people are too worried about their physical appearance and sometimes they undergo surgeries which are not only dangerous but completely unnecessary.

Nowadays everybody who wants to change a part of their body has access to surgery, and with very few limitations, to the extent that teenagers are now asking their parents for a nose reshaping as a birthday present.

I am worried that people undergo dangerous surgeries not because they suffer from a lifelong complex about a part of their body that prevents them from being absolutely happy but just because they want the lips of a famous actress or the chin of a model. In this last case, I believe that surgery should be prevented.

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