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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Is there still inequality between men and women?

Is there still inequality between men and women?

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huge, still, genders, taken steps, rights, diminish, burden, absence


  • Comienza por establecer tu opinión en el primer párrafo.
  • Apoya tu opinión con argumentos a favor de ella.
  • Puedes utilizar ejemplos concretos para reforzar tu opinión.
  • Utiliza distintas expresiones para introducir una opinión: I agree with, I think,  I am sure that...

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Is there still inequality between men and women? Why?

Despite the huge changes in the last two centuries I am afraid that there is still inequality between men and women. Fortunately the differences between genders in many fields are not as large as they used to be, but I think that they still persist, especially in some countries.

Many countries have taken steps to promote equality and protect women's rights, a fact which proves that inequalities persevere even though many governments are trying to diminish them. In some countries, inequality is reflected in different salaries, different job prospects or the burden of housework and child care. However, in other countries inequalities between genders are even larger, such as no access to education for women or the absence of women in political roles.

Hopefully, this will change in the future and we will no longer discuss about inequality between men and women.

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