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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Professional footballers are overpaid. Give your opinion.

Professional footballers are overpaid. Give your opinion.

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overpaid, am aware, incomes, measure, wages, media, worth


  • Empieza por dar tu opinión y luego utiliza argumentos para defenderla
  • Recuerda que estás dando tu opinión personal, así que utiliza expresiones que así lo reflejen: In my opinion, I believe, I think, I agree...
  • Divide las ideas en párrafos para que tu argumentación quede lo más clara posible.
  • Piensa en vocabulario relacionado con el tema propuesto: salary, wages, overpaid, earn, jobs, underpaid...

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Professional footballers are overpaid. Give your opinion.

Professional football players who play in top teams are, in my opinion, overpaid. I am aware that the world of football generates millions for football clubs and that players are paid according to those incomes.

If we had to measure the importance of a job by the wages of its professionals, football players would be in the top of the list. However, is football so crucial for society as the salary of its professionals reflects? Are football players more important than doctors, architects, or scientists?

I am afraid the sad truth is that most of the jobs appearing on the media, such as actors, singers or Big Brother contestants have a salary which does not correspond with the worth of their professions.

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