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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Have you ever read a book or seen a film about dragons?

Have you ever read a book or seen a film about dragons?

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released, orphan, Kingdom, stone, last surviving, race, rider, army, overcomes


  • Tormenta de ideas: piensa en vocabulario relacionado con este tema:dragons, heroes, released, kingdom, free, evil, adventure, enjoy...
  • Empieza por indicar la película o libro cuya historia vas a contar
  • Cuenta la historia en orden cronológico.
  • Divide las ideas en párrafos.
  • Acaba dando tu opinión personal acerca del libro o película que has relatado.
  • Puedes utilizar el Presente Simple o el Pasado Simple para contar la historia.

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Have you ever read a book or seen a film about dragons? Tell the story.

The last film that I have seen about dragons was called Eragon, which was released last year. Eragon is an orphan boy from the Kingdom of Alagesia who finds a blue mystic stone sent by the beautiful princess Ariya. This mysterious stone is no ordinary stone but the last surviving egg of the dragon race. When the dragon is born, Eragon becomes its rider with the aim of setting the people of Alagesia free from its evil king Galbatoriz. With the help of the rebels, he fights the army of the tyrant king.

I really enjoyed this adventure film because there are some fascinating battle scenes and at the end, good overcomes evil, as it should always be.

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