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Ejercicios resueltos Short Compositions
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Short Compositions


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages you find in homeworking

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages you find in homeworking

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Advantages, disadvantages, homeworking


  • Tormenta de ideas: anota todas las ideas que te vienen a la mente.
  • Haz una introducción al tema con una o dos frases, utilizando conectores: "in the first place", "to begin", "firstly".
  • Desarrollo del tema expresando los argumentos a favor o en contra: but, on the other hand, however, in my opinion, on the other hand.
  • Extrae las conclusiones de los argumentos expresados anteriormente: to sum up, to conclude, in conclusion.

Se pueden añadir expresiones como:

The main advantage is...
There are other disadvantages in connection with...
I would say there are more advantages that drawbacks...

The main disadvantage is...
There are other problems in connection with...
I would say there are more drawbacks than advantages.

En este apartado tienes que tratar de utilizar expresiones y vocabulario variado.

Write about 100 to 150 words in the following topic: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages you find in homeworking.

When considering the option of working from home I can find both advantages and disadvantages. Not having to commute to your workplace each morning is a definite advantage because you can save money on transport and avoid the stress of the rush hour. The other advantage is being able to eat at home, which is both cheaper and healthier.

However, I would say there are more drawbacks than advantages because having to organize your own time means that you need to have two essential qualities that not everybody has: self-discipline and good organization.

On the other hand if you work at home, there is the possibility of having more contact with the family, even though this could also mean more distractions and taking more breaks than necessary. Working from home also involves working alone. So I think that I would prefer to suffer the stress of the rush hour but have the support and companionship of colleagues.

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