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The English seaside town of Whitby is a fishing port which has changed little for the past 300 years. Critics say that it was this picturesque town, with the imposing ruins of a thirteenth-century abbey perched on a promontory, which gave the writer Bram Stoker the idea for his world-famous book Dracula. The writer, his wife and his son spent the summer of 1890 in Whitby, while he was probably engaged in planning the novel. Dracula, published in 1897, is the story of a vampire from Transylvania who travelled to England. When his ship was damaged in a terrible storm, Dracula -the vampire- jumped to land at Whitby in the shape of a huge dog. Stoker, the author, is known to have consulted books on legends from Transylvania, Moldavia, and the Carpatians at the local library at Whitby and later in the British Library in London. The Dracula of Transylvanian legend appears to originate from Vlad Dracul
II, Prince of Walachia (1456-1476), known
for his prodigious cruelties both to enemies -the invading Turks-
and his own people. However, he was not a vampire. It is suggested that
Stoker's Count Dracula was a composite figure derived from Vlad Dracul and
the Countess Báthori. This lady was a Hungarian aristocrat who was arrested
in 1610 for murdering girls. It was her habit to wash in the blood
of her victims in order to stay young and to maintain her skin in a perfect
condition. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the words in brackets when given. a) Although many people know the legend of Count Dracula, few have read the novel. However, I think that the film Dracula is less frightening than the book. Ayuda: En la primera oración, although ( = aunque) es una conjunción que expresa contraste e introduce una oración subordinada. En su lugar, también es posible utilizar otras conjunciones que al igual que although expresan contraste: while, whereas, even though, though, despite the fact that. En la segunda oración, less frightening indica comparativo de inferioridad, que se forma: less + adjetivo + than. b) If you had been (be) a victim of Count Dracula, what would you have done? Ayuda: Estamos ante una oración condicional introducida por la conjunción IF. Notamos que es una oración condicional de tercer tipo ya que la oración principal (..what would you have done?) tiene la estructura would have + participio (done). Por lo tanto, el verbo que expresa la condición (be) debe estar en Pasado Perfecto (had + participio). Antes del auxiliar en una pregunta, sólo puede introducirse un pronombre interrogativo; en este caso, what es el adecuado. c) This is the first book about Bram Stoker that deals (deal) with the sources of his novels. Every detail is explained (explain) with clarity and precision. Ayuda: El primer verbo de la oración (is) está en presente, por lo tanto debemos continuar también en presente: deals (añadimos -s ya que el sujeto es tercera persona singular: the book). La segunda oración requiere el uso de pasiva (be + participio), ya que carece de agente (persona que realiza la acción). Debemos seguir utilizando el presente.
Complete the following sentence to report what was said. d) "What else did you see?" - I asked the girl what else she had seen. Ayuda: Nos piden que utilicemos el estilo indirecto. Al pasar a estilo indirecto las preguntas con partÃcula interrogativa (wh- words), debemos mantener la partÃcula interrogativa (what else) detrás del reporting verb (en este caso ask). En estilo indirecto, el pasado simple (did you see) cambia a pasado perfecto. Además, como la pregunta se ha convertido en oración declarativa, se mantiene el orden de una oración afirmativa: sujeto + verbo (she had seen). Utilizamos el pronombre she para referirnos a the girl y evitar repetición.