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Ejercicios resueltos Complete the sentences
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Complete the sentences


I´m working from home

I´m working from home

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lounge, ranks, workforce, junk food

The British use the lounge or dining room while the French prefer the bedroom. Location is not the only difference between Britons and the rest of Europe when it comes to choosing a place to work for a company from home and not at the office.

There is more paranoia in the ranks of British homeworkers about working from home while colleagues are confined to the office, the evidence suggests. Half of the British homeworkers, according to a survey, said they e-mailed or telephoned a colleague early in the morning to prove they were working, while only 14 per cent of German homeworkers felt it necessary to check in and demonstrate they were working hard.

There are also national differences in the motivation for homeworking. The French see it as a way to a healthier lifestyle with an emphasis on more regular exercise and enjoying the benefits of home cooking at the expense of junk food. For the Spanish the interaction with the family is a principal reason for homeworking, while for the Germans it is the opportunity to increase their income. Overall, fewer British work from home than in the rest of Europe, although more would like the opportunity to do so, and less stress is seen as one of the main reasons for making the switch. The study predicts that by 2005 around 11 per cent (16 millions) of the European Union workforce will be working fom home either permanently or for part of the working day.

Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the words in brackets when given.

a) I have been working (work) as a waitress during the past year at 5€ an hour.

Ayuda: se usa el pretérito perfecto simple (I have worked) o continuo (I have been working) para hablar de una acción relacionada con el tiempo presente, aunque el año ha terminado. "At 5€ an hour" es una expresión hecha, como "per hour".

b) I don´t think my pay is very good but I´m desperate for a job to pay for my studies.

Ayuda: después de un adjetivo su usa preposición o infinitivo (I´m desperate for). La preposición es necesaria con el infinitivo (to pay for my studies).

c) I have been to six agencies. They accepted (accept) my CV but all their jobs were taken (take).

Ayuda: se puede utilizar "they accepted" o "They have accepted" porque el tiempo de la acción no se menciona, pero personalmente prefiero el pasado porque la acción está acabada. La voz pasiva es necesaria en "were taken" pues el sujeto "jobs" no realiza la acción.

d) "For many firms and many workers homeworking will be a way to reduce costs." The minister remarked that for many workers homeworking would reduce costs.

Ayuda: El encabezamiento de la frase require un cambio a estilo indirecto, y como el verbo que introduce la oración está en pasado, es necesario cambiar el verbo de la oración subordinada de futuro a condicional: will/would.

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