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Ejercicios resueltos Synonims
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swoon, reply, marry, disappoint, mislay, landlady, rediscovered, memento, track down

He was the rock legend known as The King, she was a school -girl who loved him tender and swooned at the mere mention of his name. Now, thirty -nine years after she wrote to Elvis Presley promising to marry him when she grew up, Karen Golz has learned that her idol did not have a wooden heart. In a message from beyond the grave, his reply finally arrived.

It was as her 11th birthday approached in 1960 that Karen wrote to Elvis, who was serving as an American GI 1 in Germany. In a letter posted to the house where he was staying, she wrote: “Dear Elvis, It's my birthday soon and if you send me your autograph I promise I will marry you when I grow up.”

Anxious not to disappoint his young fan, he wrote a note back, scrawling her name and address in Germany, on the envelope. Inside, the note said: “Dear Karen, May you have a very happy 11th birthday –and a lot of Teddy Bears. Your friend, Elvis.” He gave the stamped and addressed envelope to his landlady to post. But she mislaid it and the letter lay undiscovered until the woman died. It was only when her family was cleaning out the house that the memento was rediscovered. Even though they realised its value to collectors, they donated the letter to the local Elvis Presley society.

There, club members spent weeks tracking down Karen. After receiving the letter Karen said: "My eyes filled with tears". Though she plans to hang on to her letter, experts have valued it at around £3,500.

Find the words in the text that mean: (?)

a) fainted: swooned (derretirse, demayarse) destacar parrafo

Ayuda: : fainted (= desmayarse) es un verbo en pasado (acaba en -ed). Debemos encontrar otro verbo también en pasado.

b) tomb : grave (tumba)destacar parrafo

Ayuda: tomb es un sustantivo que significa “tumba”. Su sinónimo es pues otro sustantivo también en singular.

c) living : staying (alojarse, quedarse) destacar parrafo

Ayuda: living es un verbo en gerundio (terminación –ing). Significa “viviendo” y su sinónimo ha de ser otro verbo en gerundio.

d) trying to find: tracking down (localizar, dar con el paradero de alguien) destacar parrafo

Ayuda: trying to find, que significa "intentando encontrar", es un grupo verbal en gerundio. Su sinónimo es un phrasal verb, tracking down, que también está en gerundio.

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