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Ejercicios resueltos Write in your own words
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Write in your own words




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vocal cords, pleasure, self-consciusness, shame, the less, capable, inability, own, gifted, holds, senses, decrease, self esteem, unused, pioneer, narrow

Each of us with hearing and vocal cords can sing, but many of us do not enjoy this primitive pleasure because of self-consciousness and shame at the sounds we make. As with any other human capacity, the less we sing, the less we believe we are capable of doing it well.

An inability to sing has become so common that there are now classes and camps to help people make, hear, and appreciate the sounds of their own voices. Paul Winter, a gifted musician and composer, often holds summer singing camps for adults. Though he travels and performs internationally to bring musical traditions of different cultures together, and has pioneered the use of natural sounds in his compositions, he finds that getting the silent to sing is one of the most gratifying things in music. With the simple act of singing people's lives change.

Perhaps the need to use all our senses explains why a decrease in such school "extras" as music, art, dance, and gym often seems to parallel the loss of student self esteem caused by other academic subjects. And as adults, we tend to narrow our forms of self-expression even more. Any one of our human capacities, when unused, leaves a small hole in the fabric of our self-esteem. Think of the times you have said: "I can't write," "I can't paint," "I can't run", "I can't dance", "I can't sing." Since this was not literally true, you were really saying: "I'm not acceptable as I am."

In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. (?)

a) Why do many people refrain from singing?

According to the text, people do not sing as much as they would like to because of insecurity in their way of singing and embarrassment at what others may think of their imperfect sounds. destacar parrafo

Ayuda: la respuesta la encontramos en el primer párrafo, que comienza explicando que a pesar de que todos tenemos la capacidad de cantar, muchos de nosotros nos abstenemos por motivos de timidez, inseguridad y vergüenza.

Vocabulario: according to: según; refrain: abstenerse; as much as: tanto como; embarrassment: vergüenza.

b) Why is Paul Winter mentioned in the text?.

Paul Winter is mentioned in the text because he is a skilled musician and composer who holds summer singing camps for adults. He is meaningful in this text about singing because he has helped many adults to appreciate their own voices and be confident about their singing skills. destacar parrafo

Ayuda: la respuesta la encontramos en el segundo párrafo, que menciona al músico y compositor Paul Winter, alguien que ayuda a adultos a cantar y a apreciar el sonido de sus voces en los campamentos de verano que organiza.

Vocabulario: skilled: experto; hold: organizar; meaningful: significativo; confident: seguros de sí mismos; skills: habilidades.

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