Since time immemorial felines have been venerated in
America, North and South. Their shapes appear engraved on ancient
artifacts and in the form of modem statues. But in the last century, jaguars,
pumas and other American felines have declined alarmingly in number. So
much so, that they may become
extinct. As a result, researchers in Spain and Argentina have embarked
on a project for the preservation of ten feline species in Latin America.
For the next three years, they will be working on the creation of two genetic
banks one in Madrid and the other in Buenos Aires, to keep away the threat
that looms
over these animals.
This threat comes from human activity. Since 1920, the population of Latin America has tripled to 480
million people. A quarter of the forest area has disappeared, and activities such as hunting, fishing, mining
and farming intensify human impact on the environment, so that the natural habitat of these species has been
hugely reduced. The reduction of the habitat reduces the population.
So far, the problem has been addressed by introducing new animals into each region, with problems of
transport and adaptation leading to poor chances of success. Now, the plan is to apply assisted reproduction
techniques, fertilizing females with semen from males from other regions, including various zoos in
Argentina and Spain. Scientists hope that, a few decades into the future, the words jaguar or puma may be
more than mere names and memories.
Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are
given for only TRUE or FALSE.
Some types of wild animals were important in Latin American cultures
The assisted reproduction project is the first attempt to save felines in Latin America
Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el parrafo relevante es:
"Since time immemorial felines have been venerated in America, North and South" 
La respuesta es verdadera puesto que los animales salvajes a los que se refiere la afirmación (wild animals) son los felinos (felines), que son venerados (venerated), y por lo tanto importantes en las culturas Latino-Americanas.
Mientras que para la segunda es:
"So far, the problem has been addressed by introducing new animals into each region,..." 
La respuesta es falsa ya que afirma que el proyecto de reproducción
asistida ( the assisted reproduction project) es el primer intento (attempt)
que se lleva a cabo para salvar a los felinos en Latino América.
Sin embargo, el texto nos dice que hasta ahora (So far), este problema se
ha intentado tratar (has been addressed) introduciendo nuevos animales en
la región. Por tanto, el proyecto de reproducción asistida
no es el primero en intentar aumentar la población de felinos, ya
que ha habido uno anterior.
Nota: No es necesario copiar hasta el final de la frase ya que no es relevante para demostrar si la afirmación es verdadera o falsa. Los criterios de corrección especifican copiar únicamente el fragmento del texto relevante para la elección.